How to Safely Play at an Online Casino

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If you want to know how to pick a safe online casino, and how to play casino games securely, we've got you! These 3 super-easy but effective tips will minimise the chance of any unsecure transactions.

In general, online casinos are safe as houses. Or at least, technically. We can't legislate for you potentially losing money - this is gambling after all!

However, as with all online activities, there are some nefarious actors out there. Hackers, phishers, scam artists and others are often on the prowl just as they are with any other online businesses. With these three simple steps to safe online casino play in your back pocket though, you'll be playing safely and securely in no time.

Check Our Reviews and their Reputation

99.99% of casino sites are legit operators. But the odd rogue operator is out there, so it's worth looking out for.

A simple look at our reviews, or your own online search, and you can find out how reputable an operator is in minutes.

Things to look out for include:

  • Experience in the industry - an online casino that's been around for a decade or longer is always a good look. Or sometimes an operator will own multiple, or even dozens of casino sites.
  • Good reviews from us - our team are experts in the field, and they know what makes a trustworthy casino
  • Games from well-known developers - the biggest developers can afford to vet the casinos they work with, so if you see a Microgaming, Evolution or NetEnt you know you're rolling.
  • A good range of trusted payment methods like VISA, MasterCard, Neteller, Skrill, Trustly etc.

Use a Safe Payment Method

Bitcoin Deposits

The ultimate in anonymity and security at online casinos is found using Bitcoin, Ethereum or other cryptos. That way neither the casino, the bank or any other third party has your details from the transaction. They're also super-fast and are less likely to see fees or other transaction delays.

Other safe payment methods for online casinos include major bank cards and known e-wallets like Skrill, Sofort or Trustly. Playing at an online casino with a credit card can be risky for various reasons, as well as the obvious one of gambling on credit. We wouldn't recommend!

Strong Passwords and Account Security

Even the biggest and most secure online business can get hacked in today's market. Casinos are no exception. It's rare - but you never know.

For this reason, always keep your passwords unique at each casino. And make them strong too, with a good length plus numbers and special characters. Or at the very least have your casino password different from your other online accounts. It's probably also a good idea to set up a new email for online casino game play to keep things extra secure!

This way you won't ever get any spam emails in your day-to-day email (if you accidentally click a sign-up link). And if an operator's data is breached, none of it will matter too much to you!

This is all unlikely of course - but it's basic online security and safety that should definitely apply to casinos too. Best of luck!